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GIPI Technical Group concludes Report on the regulatory framework of Intellectual Property

The Technical Group for the Evaluation of the Normative Framework for Intellectual Property, linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, completed a Final Report within the scope of the National Strategy for Intellectual Property. The Report, in which the ABPI had a significant contribution, includes: Data Survey, Mapping of Devices for Review and Conclusion.

The Group evaluated 46 proposals for regulatory changes and 17 for administrative and procedural adjustments. There was a consensus on ensuring the INPI budgetary and financial conditions to carry out its activities, and also on the need to disseminate knowledge about Intellectual Property and encourage the use of patent protection. The dissent was due to the proposals on updating the normative provisions of patent law.

The Group’s next steps include:

present the results of the work to the GIPI;
identify those that should advance as government proposals;
analyze regulatory impacts;
carry out public consultation;
and submit a proposal for normative updating.

The Technical Group, created within the scope of the Interministerial Group on Intellectual Property, of which ABPI is a member, was instituted by Resolution GIPI/ME No. 3, of February 25, 2022, with a one-year mandate.

You can read the full report here on the ABPI website at the link below: