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The Federal Senate unanimously approved, this Friday morning, the validity of the General Data Protection Law (LPGD 13.709 / 2018) for January 1, 2021. At the same session, the extension of the application of sanctions for more 12 months, that is, from August 2021. The project was reported by Simone Tebet (MDB-MS).

The action is part of the relaxation of private legal relations, such as emergency measures during the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, voted and approved by senators through Bill 1.179 / 2020, authored by Senator Antonio Anastácia (PSDB-MG).

The PL now goes on to review the Chamber of Deputies. If there is a change in the content in this instance, the text should be returned to the Federal Senate for further analysis. However, if the text is fully approved, it will be forwarded for presidential sanction.