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July, 08

July. 08
5th LAW & FASHION webtalk

The leading role of fashion in times of crisis

July, 03

July. 03

Webinar – Impacts of LGPD on the Judiciary

July, 01

July. 01

Webinar – Copyrights and Memes

June, 30

June. 30

The IP systems in the Americas during the covid-19

June, 24

June, 24
4th LAW & FASHION webtalk

Sustainability applied to the Fashion industry

June, 18

June, 18
The Role of States and the Union in Sustaining the Brazilian Culture Sector in view of Social Distancing Measures

June, 16

June, 16
Privacy and Data Protection Course

Module I and II

June, 12

June. 12

The main initiatives of Fiocruz in the fight against Covid-19

June, 11

June, 11
Digitally transforming your business:

How Intellectual Property Can Help

June, 08

June, 08
3rd Law & Fashion Webtalk:

Digital influencers: Legal and behavioral aspects in the pandemic.

May, 28

May, 28

PI Measurement and Arbitration as an alternative to legal proceedings

May, 27

May, 27

Solidarity Action Webinar – Covid-19 and the future of courts and law

May. 26

May, 26
ABPI’s Biotechnology Study Committee

May, 19

May, 19
2nd Law & Fashion Webtalk: Behavior and consumption.

Changes and trends under Pandemic Impacts

May, 08

May, 8

The regulation of the Marrakesh treaty

April, 16,23 and May, 07

April, 16 and 23
May, 7

Strategic marketing management: How to sell in law in times of crisis

April. 30


IP Day at UFRJ in Covid-19 times

April, 29


Webinar – The impact of covid-19 on the Patent Backlog Combat program

April, 27

April, 27

Webinar – Innovating for a green future

April, 21

April, 21

Chat – INPI business

April. 12


Webinar – The impact of covid-19 on current contracts

March, 12

March, 12

Breakfast – The new franchise law: What has effectively changed?

March, 8

March, 8

Tribute to International Women’s Day


January, 2020

ABPI, OMPI and INPI summer courses