
Max Planck Institute opposes the suspension of IP rights to combat the pandemic and proposes a global agreement

The Max Planck Institute, an independent German scientific research organization, is against the temporary suspension of the intellectual property rights of developers of vaccines, equipment and other inputs to combat the pandemic, in terms that have been defended by the governments of India and South Africa. South with the WTO (World Trade Organization). In a recent publication on its website, the renowned Institute proposes a global agreement between nations to combat pandemics.

The explanatory memorandum for this position is included in the reasoning with ten items in which Max Planck, known worldwide as a leading institution in the field of scientific research, is imperative to affirm that the compulsory waiver of holders of all IP rights, within According to the TRIPs agreement, it is not the necessary or adequate instrument to combat the pandemic.

The items:

. The waiver of IP rights will not increase or accelerate the manufacture and distribution of vaccines;

. IP rights are the basis for collaborations and contracts;

. Waiver of IP rights will not dispense with regulatory requirements for vaccine authorization;

. It is questionable whether the waiver of IP rights will significantly reduce vaccine prices;

. The TRIPs agreement contains sufficient flexibility to avoid negative effects of patents;

. A comprehensive waiver of IP rights is likely to have a detrimental effect on stimulating innovation and investment in new drugs;

. Concerns about maximizing profit by IP holders are not a valid reason for waiving IP rights;

. Responsibility for the use of public funds invested in vaccine development requires transparency;

. The scope of the proposed exemption is unclear;

. A system of global governance could provide better support to developing countries.

Click to read the full note.

