
Associations expand knowledge and networking

Associations expand knowledge and networking

The participation of women in class associations and other corporate entities is essential for career development and advancement in gender equality issues, pointed out ABPI’s vice-president, Tatiana Campello; the editor-director, Laetitia d’Hanens, and the deputy director of the CSD-ABPI (Center for Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property) Fernanda Barella Beser.

This Wednesday, the 14th, they participated in the webinar Female representation in associative activities: impact on careers and institutions, moderated by Joana de Mattos Siqueira, coordinator of the ABPI Diversity and Inclusion Committee. “Congresses and other events promoted by associations, national and international, provide a very rich continuing education”, said Tatiana. “That’s why it’s worth participating not just in one, but in several associations”.

Laetitia, when approaching the development of her career, highlighted the importance of her participation in entities of the associative world. In intellectual property, she says, she built her learning gradually and was greatly supported by the debates promoted by the associations. “I gradually fell in love with IP and I always found a lot of generosity in these spaces”, he said. “From them, I was able to compose a systemic view of the matter, especially in a specialized area of ​​law, and I learned to multiply this dialogue and this knowledge”.

For Fernanda, intellectual property “was love at first sight”. Participation in entities such as the CSD-ABPI, in which she also served as deputy coordinator of the Domain Names commission, allowed her to expand her knowledge and networking. “The associations offer a lot of courses, congresses and other events and thus the opportunity to learn a lot, connect with people, debate ideas”, he explained.

If you missed the event, you can watch the full webinar on the ABPI YouTube channel

