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Trademark registration and licensing as business assets

Exclusivity in use, protection against unfair competition, attraction of investors and the projection for international markets of the product or service, among others, were some of the advantages of registering a brand presented by the adviser in Intellectual Property and Contracts in Transfer of Information. Technology (INT / Toledo PI), Gabriela Toledo, this Thursday, 06, during the IP Meetings, series of virtual lectures promoted by ABPI – Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property and OMPI – World Intellectual Property Organization, in this seventh edition with the support from CBPF (Brazilian Center for Physical Research), the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing and Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz).

The event, under the theme “Intellectual Property and Hackathons: trademark registration”, also featured lectures by representatives of the second and third group placed at Hacokvid19, in the General categories, with the technology “A Vera” and “Dra. June ”, respectively Maria Luiza Mondelli and Renata Frota. ABPI’s treasury director, Tatiana Campello, the WIPO representative, Isabella Pimentel, and the researcher from the Alternative Technologies Experimentation Nucleus (NEXT) of the Institute for Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health (ICICT) attended the virtual opening table. from Fiocruz, Paulo Abílio Varella Lisboa.

“A Vera” has developed a bot to monitor and publish alerts about potentially false or unfounded content, supported by trusted sources. With the software, “disinformation with information” is combated, identifying the main influencers on a given subject using a data collection mechanism. The group has already searched the INPI – National Institute of Industrial Property website for future registration of the brand and also intends to protect the software.

Dr. June, in turn, consists of a bot that simulates a conversation between a suspected coronavirus infection and a primary health care provider. In the conversation, by cell phone or internet, the health professional advises on the first health measures and indicates the nearest location for medical care. The name of the invention is inspired by the scientist June Almeida, the first to identify the human coronavirus, in 1964.

In her lecture, Gabriela Toledo explained that intellectual property can be worked according to the profile of the developer. Being an entrepreneur, he can create a startup and even seek investors for his business. “But you will necessarily have to develop your brand,” he added. Another way to use IP is by licensing the developed technology, which can be done with a company that can economically exploit the asset.

To view the full webinar, access the ABPI YouTube channel
