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Judiciary ministers debate the future of post-pandemic law

Online lecture aims to raise donations for students of UFRJ Law School who live in extreme vulnerability

“Covid-19 and the future of courts and law” is the theme of the online lecture, organized by the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI) and the National Faculty of Law at UFRJ (FND). The event will take place on May 27, at 10 am (Brasília time), with the objective of raising funds for more than 200 undergraduate students, in a vulnerable situation, aggravated by the pandemic.

The debate will be composed by the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Luiz Fux, Ministers Luis Felipe Salomão and Benedito Gonçalves, trained by the FND, of the Superior Court of Justice, and mediated by Cezar Augusto Rodrigues Costa, Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro and professor at UFRJ Law School.

Due to the quarantine, the event will be held on the Zoom digital platform, along the lines of a webinar (online conference) with fundraising. To participate, access this link and guarantee the donation registration. Any amount collected will go to vulnerable students at UFRJ Law School.

The initiative is supported by the main legal entities in the country, including: Brazilian Bar Association Rio de Janeiro Section (OAB / RJ), Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistracy (EMERJ). Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property Agents (ABAPI), Brazilian Insolvency Institute (IBAJUD), Brazilian Association of Lawtechs and Legaltechs (AB2L), Brazilian Institute of Company Law (IBDE) and Instituto & Revista Justiça & Cidadania.
