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Cláudio Vilar Furtado leaves INPI

Cláudio Vilar Furtado leaves INPI

We announce the dismissal of the president of the INPI, Cláudio Vilar Furtado. The president bids farewell to the autarchy today along with directors Liane Lage, Tania Cristina Lopes Ribeiro and Felipe Augusto.

ABPI expresses its sincere thanks to the presidency and board of directors for their competent management and invaluable contribution to society during the entire period he was at the head of INPI.

In a statement, Cláudio Furtado recalled the employees and partners who helped make the INPI over the last four years “socially responsible for deliveries, more digitized, more productive, more internationally integrated, ethical and diversity-oriented. Above all, more respected here and abroad! “

We hope to count on the continuity of the work developed so far in the new management that will soon take office.

