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AIPPI adopts four resolutions at its last Congress

There were four Resolutions prepared by the AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), at its last congress, in October 2021. The Resolutions, as usual, are the result of a broad debate between the delegates of the groups and protected internationally for the development of countries, with a view to international protection, improvement and harmonization of countries.

Resolution Q 276, on Patents, deals with “Inventiveness and descriptive sufficiency in Artificial Intelligence inventions”. A Trademarks, Approach to Benchmarks 277, Trademarks, References to Public Order and Customs. Q 278, on Industrial Designs, concerns “Industrial designs and the role of the state of the art”. As for Q 27, of a more general nature, it deals with “Reasonable science in relation to the compensation of IP rights”

Soon, the rapporteurs of the Brazilian AIPPI Group, Marcos Blasi and Rafael Atab, will comment on the 2021 Resolutions in a specific publication dedicated to the topic.

To see the full content of the Resolutions, access
