Newsletter Edition 38 - July 2022


Webinar discusses the challenges of LGBTQIA+ people at work

On July 7th, definitions of gender, sexuality, intersexuality, genital body, and other concepts related to diversity livened up the debate at ABPI’s webinar on “LGBTQIA+ Employability – Diversity as Power”. The event, organized by Isabella Cardozo, Joana de Mattos Siqueira, Monique Batista Bastos and Pedro Vilhena, from ABPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, had the speaker Mikkel Mergener, from Mikkel Mergener Consultoria & Tutoria.

Mikkel, who self-defines as a non-binary trans person, emphasized that the LGBTQIA concept does not exhaust the identity possibilities. Therefore, the “+” symbol shelters other gender or affective/sexual identities excluded from the social norm and discriminated against. In his presentation, the adviser pointed out some of the future challenges of these identity classes, including validation and social respect, overcoming document bureaucracy, obtaining legal benefits, and inclusion and acceptance in selection and career development processes. To face these adversities, he mentioned some “powers” ​​that distinguish LGBTQIA+ people, such as self-knowledge, authenticity, adaptability, emotional intelligence, resilience, and resistance.

During the event, participants were divided into groups to discuss topics considered dear to those not fitting the cis-heteronormative standard. Among the issues addressed were questions of how to deal with homophobic trans “jokes”, compulsory heterosexuality, intersectionalities, and inclusive toilets.

Watch the webinar on ABPI’s YouTube Channel –