Newsletter Special Edition - 40th ABPI Congress - Day 1


The Judiciary debates Intellectual Property

The Judiciary must evolve to provide viable and appropriate answers to questions involving technology and intellectual property, said Minister Humberto Martins, president of the Superior Court of Appeals (STJ), in his presentation during the opening ceremony of ABPI’s 40th International Congress. “The creation of courts and judges specialized in corporate law is already a current trend so that we can give quick and efficient answers in the field of technology and Industrial property”, he said.

The President of the STJ noted that the São Paulo Court of Appeals (TJ-SP), the largest in Brazil in terms of courts and lawsuits, already has first and second instance corporate courts that also judge actions related to industrial property issues. The magistrate added that the subject of the Judiciary’s specialization in corporate matters has been debated within the scope of the National Forum of Corporate Competence Judges (Fonajem) by more than 130 judges. “We have advanced and we are always advancing in the area of ​​intellectual property, but the fast and constant evolution of innovation requires that we continue to reflect on new challenges, as the law is dynamic and technology advances hour by hour”.