Newsletter Edition 33 - February 2022


Priority for persons with disabilities and racial discrimination

In the survey carried out by ABPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the end of 2021, the difficulties faced by persons with disabilities to access the labor market were indicated as a priority item by 67.9% of the interviewees. This topic, as well as the racial issue, is frequent in the Committee’s actions. In June 2021, for example, the Committee promoted the course “Management of racial diversity and the new corporate management” and, in December, the webinar “Persons with disabilities and the job market”. Given the relevance of the topics, they may come back to the agenda more often.

ABPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee is scheduling three webinars this year: the first, on gender equality, in March; the second, focused on the debate on LGBTQIA+ issues, in June; and another on racial discrimination, in July. A master class on the theme of Diversity & Inclusion for Senior Leadership among members is also on the agenda.

According to the coordinator of ABPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Joana de Mattos Siqueira, the work developed by the Committee has resulted in “a rich exchange of experiences among events’ participants, and little by little it has influenced law firms HR policies.” It is worth remembering that the new ABPI Board has elected as one of its priorities the actions aimed at the issue of diversity, so much so that, as an example, it set up its board considering gender parity.