Newsletter Edition 30 - November 2021


Patenting by Brazilian industries is among the priorities of the new ABPI President

With a speech focused on increasing innovation and industrial patenting in response to the growing deindustrialization of Brazil, lawyer Gabriel Leonardos was sworn in as the President of ABPI – Brazilian Intellectual Property Association for the 2022-2023 biennium on November 19th. “In encouraging patenting by industries based in Brazil, we have a clear space for ABPI to act in, together with its historical partners such as the BPTO – Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office and WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization”, said Leonardos.

Held at a luncheon in São Paulo, the ceremony marked the board successions of ABPI and ABAPI (Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents). Distinguished personalities from the world of Intellectual Property attended the event, such as the President Cláudio Furtado and the Director of Patents Liane Lage, from the BPTO; and the presidents of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), Luiz Henrique do Amaral, ASIPI (Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property), Elisabeth Siemsen do Amaral; ABAPI, Álvaro Loureiro (sworn in, along with his board, for a second term), as well as representatives from relevant IP law firms in Brazil.

In his speech, the new ABPI president also highlighted the encouragement of diversity and inclusion as a priority of his management and set an example in the constitution of the Executive Board under his leadership, which, for the first time, has gender parity, with four women among its eight members. “Although we have already made some progress in attracting LGBTQIA+ people, we know we can certainly still improve at this point”, he said. “The construction of a more egalitarian society requires continuous work, and we lack aspects of diversity and other groups to be strengthened, such as attracting more black people and people with disabilities”.

Leonardos dwelled on the drop in patent filing, which in his opinion is a direct consequence of Brazil’s deindustrialization and “our inability to insert Brazil into global production chains”. Citing BPTO data, he recalled that, from 2013 to 2020, the number of patent applications filed annually with the institute, among domestic and foreigners, dropped from 34,050 to 27,091, and the forecast for 2021 is just over 26 thousand filings.

Worldwide, the total number of patent applications grew from 2.57 million in 2013 to 3.32 million in 2018, with a slight drop in 2019, to 3.22 million. “In other words, while worldwide there was an average increase of 25% in patent deposits, in Brazil there was a decrease of about 22%!” he pointed out.

The drop in the number of patent filings reflects deindustrialization. “In 1980, we had the 6th largest industrial park on the planet. In 2019 we dropped to the 19th position”, he stated. According to Leonardos, innovation is the lever for development. “Among all economic activities, only the industry manages to generate constant innovations, besides producing social mobility and expanding opportunities for all social strata”.

“Here at ABPI, we will continue to make our contribution to the sustainable, social, and economic development of Brazil, always with ethics and great dedication. I wish you all good health, a Merry Christmas, prosperity, and joy in the coming New Year”, said Leonardos, ending his speech.


ABPI’s new board

President: Gabriel Francisco Leonardos

1st Vice President: Peter Eduardo Siemsen

2nd Vice president: Tatiana Campello Lopes

Reporter General: Rodrigo Affonso de Ouro Preto Santos

Secretary: Maria Inez de Araújo Abreu

Treasurer: Antonella Carminatti

Editor: Laetitia Maria Alice Pablo d’Hanens

General Counsel: Paulo Parente Marques Mendes



Ana Carolina Cagnoni

Ana Cristina Müller

Antonio de Figueiredo Murta Filho

Eduardo Paranhos

Elisabeth Siemsen do Amaral

Eneida Elias Berbare

Fábio Luiz Barboza Pereira

Felipe Oquendo

Filipe Fonteles Cabral

Gustavo Henrique Eirado de Escobar

Gustavo José Ferreira Barbosa

Hélio Fabbri Jr.

Jacques Labrunie

José Eduardo de Pieri

José Mauro Decoussau Machado

Maria Cristina Machado Cortez

Marianna Furtado de Mendonça

Mario Augusto Soerensen Garcia

Nathalia Mazzonetto

Patricia Leal Gestic

Philippe Martins Bhering

Rana Gosain

Renata Lisboa

Renata Westminster Shaw

Ricardo Cardoso Costa Boclin

Roberto Ribeiro

Roner Guerra Fabris

Soraya Imbassahy de Mello

Taís Capito Castro Alves

Valdir de Oliveira Rocha




AL – Branca Alves de Miranda Pereira

AM – Wagner Robério Barros Gomes

BA – Rodrigo Moraes Ferreira

CE – Bruno de Carvalho Figueiredo

DF – Alexandre Müller Buarque Viveiros

ES – Juliano Regattieri Oliveira

GO – Fábio Carraro

MG – Luiza Tângari Coelho

MT – Geraldo da Cunha Macedo

PE – Ticiano Gadelha

PR – Carmem Iris Parellada Nicolodi

RJ – Luis Fernando de R. Matos Jr.

RN – Rochelle Barbosa Andrade de Sousa

RS – Rodrigo Azevedo Pereira

SC – Frederica Richter

SP – Marcos Chucralla Moherdauí Blasi