Newsletter Edition 16 - July 2020


Only education generates equality

Only education and social awareness can rescue the principle, provided for in the Brazilian Constitution, of equality between men and women, concluded Minister Cármen Lúcia, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the retired federal judge of the TRF1 (Federal Regional Court of the1st Region), Neuza Alves da Silva, the judge of the TJRJ (Rio de Janeiro Court) and president of the Brazilian Association of Judges (AMB), Renata Gil, and the federal judge of the TRF2 (Federal Regional Court of the2nd Region), Caroline Tauk. They were the speakers, last July 13th, of the webinar “Justice for them: where are we and where are we going?”, promoted by ABPI, mediated by lawyer Roberta de Magalhães Fonteles Cabral, and the participation of ABPI’s president, Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta.

The speakers in the webinar pointed out that the Brazilian judiciary, where men predominate, especially in leadership positions, is an example of discrimination against women. “We are a sexist society prejudiced against women, built by men for men”, emphasized minister Cármen Lúcia. She argued that in order to change this situation it is necessary to educate children and families about equal rights between men and women. “It is essential to give more visibility to this social wound”, she stated.

Judge Neuza Alves da Silva presented data from the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region, which includes 13 states and the Federal District, to demonstrate the low presence of women among the leaders in the Judiciary. The TRF1, composed of 27 courts, explained the judge, never had more than five women as standing members. “What inhibits women’s participation?”, she asked and replied: “It is necessary to raise the awareness of all those involved in the political, legal, and administrative scenario so that they guarantee justice in the exercise of the shares of power”.

Judge Renata Gil, the first woman to hold the presidency of AMB, defended greater female participation in the three spheres of power, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. For the judge, the fight for female social equality is not primarily within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary, but of society. “The answer is social awareness”, she said.

In her presentation, Judge Caroline Tauk pointed out “sexism and structural racism” as effects of the inequality faced by women in the field of social rights. “Historically, black women have left slavery and migrated to domestic work”, she asserted, defending the adoption of public policies and raising society’s awareness to “break female exclusion”.

The full event is available on ABPI’s YouTube Channel.