Newsletter Edition 22 - February 2021


Mediation Course: the attorney’s perspective in times of crisis

The course “Mediation: the attorney’s perspective in times of crisis” that ABPI’s Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Center (CSD-ABPI) and the Mediation and Arbitration Center of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) are bringing to law professionals is a unique experience in mediation techniques. Gathered in the same virtual environment, renowned Brazilian and foreign experts (attorneys, mediators, and magistrates) will address the different perspectives, challenges, theory and practices of mediation.

In five virtual classes (March 4th, 11th, and 25th, and April 15th and 22nd), participants will deepen their mediation knowledge at national and international levels. With a focus on the qualification of attorneys in this procedure, and also aiming for the best results for their clients, the course combines theory and practice, including, among others, techniques of how, in the scope of mediation, to train the client, mitigate risks and preserve relationships. The attorneys will also focus on a case study and, in the end, experience professional mediation, which will be debated in the course.

The course “Mediation: the attorney’s perspective in times of crisis” has the general coordination of the president of CSD-ABPI, Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos, and Ignacio de Castro, the director of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center. The academic coordination is in charge of lawyers Claudia Grosman, Nathalia Mazzonetto, and Rodrigo Azevedo, from CSD-ABPI, and Chiara Accornero, from the WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Center.

To register, click here.