Newsletter Edition 39 - September 2022


Luiz Henrique do Amaral ends term as President of AIPPI

This year, lawyer Luiz Henrique do Amaral will conclude his term as President of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), the most important international intellectual property organization, with a flourish. At the head of AIPPI, Amaral, who also presided over the ABPI, faced two difficult pandemic years, which changed habits, isolated people, caused deaths, and transformed the way of doing business. “We faced unprecedented challenges. And we did it”, says Amaral.

According to him, the first challenge was to set the entity’s activities in an online format and, at the same time, keep the workflow and membership active and engaged. “We are proud to have introduced a full webinar program and provided our committees with virtual tools that allowed them to stay in touch and continue to work together,” he said. “We organized two successful online congresses with broad participation”. The initiatives did have an effect: the number of members and the revenue remained stable and even increased.

Back to his activities as a lawyer, Amaral will endure new challenges. ABPI welcomes him on this return and counts on his providential participation in the association activities, of which he is a natural member.