Newsletter Edition 37 - June 2022


Improvement of the BPTO in the Plenary Sessions topics

Plenary I, with a presentation by economist Daniella Marques Consentino, the Special Secretary for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Economy, promises to be one of the most attended at ABPI’s 42nd International Congress. In February, Daniella succeeded Carlos Da Costa, who assumed the position of Attaché of the Ministry of Economy in Washington. Before this position, Daniella worked as Special Advisor for Strategic Affairs at the same Ministry, dedicated to the extensive agenda in the Intellectual Property field and the need for improvements at the BPTO, including the Program to Fight against the Patent Backlog.

Another key topic within the scope of the Special Secretariat is the management of the Brazilian Interministerial Group on Intellectual Property (GIPI), which ABPI integrates, along with other entities, participating in periodic meetings. The GIPI is responsible for implementing the National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI).

Despite advances in fighting against the backlog, the BPTO remains slow in examining applications, still below the average deadlines of international patent offices, such as the USPTO, the JPO (Japan), and the CNIPA (China). In specific technology sectors, like electronics and telecommunications, the examination of applications takes even longer.

Also worthy of mention is the debate that will take place in the second and last plenary session of Congress, about the Public Civil Action of a structuring nature filed by ABPI, seeking to guarantee the resources and efficiency of the BPTO. Recently, in the first-instance trial, still appealable, Judge Caroline Tauk, of the 31st Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro ordered the Union to provide the BPTO with the resources necessary for the proper functioning of the institute.

ABPI’s 42nd International Congress on Intellectual Property will be held on August 22nd and 23rd at the Sheraton WTC Hotel, in São Paulo. This year, the event will be in a hybrid format, also available online.

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