Newsletter ABPI - Edition Special Congress 2023 - Day 2


Famous Brands: Trends and Value Generation

In Panel 4, “Protection of Famous Brands and Their Legal and Economic Effects,” Megan Carpenter, Dean and Law Professor at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, highlighted several global trends related to the topic, such as territorial expansion through global trade, expansion of goods/services into new markets, and the rise of nationalism/territorialism.

Anne Grecco, Strategy Director at Interbrand, pointed out that brands can evolve into business assets that come to life through their touchpoints, generating identification, differentiation, and value. “This allows room for testing and innovating, enabling the brand to be explored in different markets.”

The executive presented the study Most Valuable Brazilian Brands 22/23, conducted by Interbrand, ranking Itaú in the top spot. “Here in Brazil, the most valuable brands belong to the finance, services, and retail sectors.” The panel was moderated by Samantha Bancroft Vianna Braga.