Newsletter ABPI - Edition 53 - December 2023


Completion of the 2nd edition of the Open Course on Internet Domain Names

The course “Domain Name Disputes: How to Master Them” concluded on December 7th with enthusiastic participation from all 32 students, who expressed a desire for more. The course, promoted by the Center for Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Arbitration in Intellectual Property (CSD-ABPI), is open to those interested in understanding the procedures adopted in domain name disputes under the SACI (Administrative System for Internet Conflicts).

With four classes and presentations by Wilson Pinheiro Jabur, Fernanda Beser, and Gustavo Moser from the Domain Name Dispute Resolution Chamber (CASD-ND), and Vinícius Pavan Lessa Silva from CSD-ABPI, the course also serves as one of the prerequisites for including potential candidates in the CASD-ND expert panel. The course, now in its second edition, is held every two years.

Launched at the end of 2012, CASD-ND boasts a panel of 74 experts and has processed 466 cases, securing its leadership in the segment.