Newsletter ABPI - Edition Special Congress 2023 - Day 2


BPTO President Affirms Possibility of Reducing Patent Timelines to 2.5 Years

It is possible to reduce patent grant timelines to 2.5 years, provided that the institute receives 240 new examiners during this period, along with the resources needed for system improvement, stated the BPTO President Júlio César Moreira during his presentation on the Brazilian National IP Plan in the Congress’s first plenary session. “If the agreed-upon terms hold, with an additional 120 examiners next year, we will reach 3.5 years, and by 2025, with another 120 examiners, we can achieve a 2.5-year timeline for granting a patent from filing.” Currently, the patent grant timeline in Brazil, depending on the sector, can exceed five years from the examination application.

The condition set by the BPTO President is due to the institute’s dependence on additional funding approval to enhance efficiency. Moreira noted that the BPTO generates R$800 million per year, but a significant portion of these funds is withheld by the government. According to Moreira, the organization needs an additional R$90 million to execute its strategic plan, which includes new investments in automation, regional IP integration, and AI solutions.

Responding to Minister of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services Geraldo Alckmin’s question about the BPTO improvement expectations, the BPTO President couldn’t have been more candid. “At our current pace, no matter how well we perform, we’ll never reach the level of the world’s best offices,” he affirmed. However, considering the priority the Minister is giving to Intellectual Property, this pace is likely to change.