Bahia Section organizes event on Chiquinha Gonzaga
On May 3rd at 8 p.m. (BRT), ABPI promoted the webinar “Chiquinha Gonzaga: her contribution to music, copyright and women’s rights”, with the participation of the artist’s biographer, Edinha Diniz, and the guitarist Jana Vasconcelos, who presented a play by Chiquinha Gonzaga live.
The webinar, held within the scope of the 4th Event of ABPI’s Sectional Representations also had the participation of Tatiana Campello, the vice-president of ABPI, and Monique Bastos, from ABPI’s Diversity Committee, moderated by the sectional representative of Bahia, Rodrigo Moraes.
A composer, pianist, and conductor, Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935), the first woman to conduct an orchestra in Brazil, is the author of the first carnival march: “Ó Abre Alas”. Chiquinha fought for women’s rights and militated in favor of slavery abolition and the Proclamation of the Republic. Door-to-door, she sold her sheet music to help finance the Confederação Libertadora (Liberating Confederation), the anti-slavery organization of which she was a part.
Author of about eighty scores for musical theater and more than two thousand minor pieces, Chiquinha Gonzaga died in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 87. Her prodigious life was represented by a miniseries on Rede Globo de Televisão broadcast in 1999.