Newsletter Edition 33 - February 2022


ABPI Study Committees adjust to new times

ABPI Study Committees, aimed towards the research and studies of Intellectual Property in its various nuances, have a new look. Expanded and adjusted to meet the changes required primarily by the volatility of the digital world, the new set of Committees includes the creation of new ones, the addition of topics to existing committees, name changes, spin-offs, and mergers. Under the new spectrum, ABPI now has 16 Study Committees. “The coordinators of the Committees play an essential role in the technical-legal knowledge production at this stage of great changes”, says the reporter general of ABPI, Rodrigo Ouro Preto. “They were selected for their knowledge, leadership skills, and commitment to carry out the work of ABPI’s main source of technical and scientific knowledge.”

The newly created Advocacy Committee, as the literal translation indicates, will have the mission of advocating in favor of ABPI’s interests with government bodies and its initiatives such as the ENPI (National Intellectual Property Strategy). He will be leading the structuring action brought by ABPI with the Federal Court for the financial autonomy of the BPTO, among others.

The former Software, Technology, and Data Protection Committee has been split into two new Committees: the Patents and New Technologies Committee, focused on software and other digital assets of Artificial Intelligence, such as NFTs, blockchain, and telecom derivatives; and the Digital Law & Data Privacy Committee, targeting the issues raised within the scope of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), among others.

The Patents Committee keeps its name but now has a prominently technical bias and focuses its activities on the relationship with the BPTO.

The former Sports Committee has now incorporated Electronic Games. After all, Brazil is the prime gaming market in Latin America and the 12th in the world rank, with an annual turnover of US$ 2 billion, according to data from Newzoo, a company that analyzes games and surveys related to the field.

The new Plant Varieties and Biotechnology Committee stemmed from the merger of the two Committees. The two committees were already acting together on several issues since some of the legislation concerning the topics is crossed.

The Dispute Resolution Committee has changed its name, and now it is called the Civil Procedure and ADR Committee (Alternative Dispute Resolution).

The Trademarks, International Law, Geographical Indications, Technology Transfer and Franchising, Copyright and Personality Rights, Competition Law, and Industrial Design committees remain with the same configurations.

Access ABPI’s website (  to learn about the committees and their respective coordinators.