Newsletter Edition 16 - July 2020


ABPI launches its digital library app

ABPI has been following the rapid technological changes in communication and the virtual world with a magnifying glass: it has invested in qualified content, improved communication channels with its audiences, integrating them with the new digital forms, and dramatically expanded its presence on social media. And soon, it will deliver its digital library to its members and the entire IP community. It can be accessed through a facilitating app that makes the collection of the entity available — journals, newsletters, clippings, legislation, decisions — in a fast and friendly way.

With this tool, compatible with any device — desktops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones — access to content through keyword searches will be intuitive. To access any article in the complete collection of ABPI’s Journal, for example, a few clicks will suffice. This same app, in a second delivery, will integrate registrations to courses and other face-to-face or virtual events, such as ABPI’s International Congress on Intellectual Property.

Since March, ABPI has been conducting a series of virtual events such as webinars, lives, webtalks, and podcasts, with topics of current relevance and participation of the greatest experts in the subject, always connected to the forefront of intellectual property and the reality of the pandemic. The list includes authorities from Brazil and abroad in the areas of health, government, judiciary, industry, and academia, among others.

 Alignment with the digital transformation also results in the disposal of equipment, waste and paper, energy, and rework savings, in addition to other intangible gains.

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2022, more than 60% of the global GDP will be digitized, and about 70% of the new value created in the next decade will be based on digitally activated platforms.