Newsletter Edition 34 - March 2022


ABPI integrates the Technical Group of the Ministry of Economy to assess the IP regulatory framework

ABPI, along with other entities, is part of the recently created Technical Group, organized by the Interministerial Group on Intellectual Property (GIPI), of the Ministry of Economy, to assess the regulatory framework for intellectual property.

Among the attributions of the Technical Group is the identification of Bills on Industrial Property pending before the National Congress for technical positioning of the GIPI; mapping the provisions of the regulatory framework of industrial property law that need to be reformed; the survey of international standards similar or related to the provisions to be reviewed; and the elaboration of a final report, consolidating the provisions of the normative framework of intellectual property that need reforms.

The GIPI, of which ABPI is a member, was created by the GIPI/ME Resolution of July 1st, 2021, which approved the Action Plan for the implementation and monitoring of the ENPI (National Intellectual Property Strategy) for the August/2021 – July/2023 biennium.

The Technical Group was created through Resolution GIPI/ME n°3, of February 25th, and entered into force on March 7th.