Newsletter Edition 33 - February 2022


ABPI has eight new Sectional Representations in Brazil

ABPI’s Sectional Representations, created in 2009 to expand the entity’s activities in Brazil, are being enhanced with new units in eight Brazilian states. Now, with the implementation of the sections in Alagoas, Amazonas, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina – besides those already existing in Bahia, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo – ABPI is represented in 16 Brazilian states. “The representations are the “B” of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association, that is, they increase the capillarity and representativeness of ABPI on the national scene”, explains ABPI’s Secretary Maria Inez Araújo de Abreu.

The Sectional Representations have the mission of promoting ABPI’s national events, participating in the discussions of the Study Committees, and seeking to approach institutions for the propagation of intellectual property in their region, besides promoting events in their jurisdictions, such as seminars, presentations, and workshops.

Some representations, such as Goiás and Paraná, are already structuring their projects. The sectional representative of Bahia, Rodrigo Morais, for example, is already planning an event about the composer and conductor Chiquinha Gonzaga for the month of May, together with ABPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. At the event, Copyright and women’s rights will be debated, with the participation of Edinha Diniz, the biographer of the musician. “In short, the Sectional Representative must make efforts to attract new members to ABPI among companies, associations, and professionals in his State, as well as collaborate with ABPI in all its activities”, says Maria Inez.

ABPI’s Secretary explains that, with the expansion of the number of representations, the entity will get closer not only to its members but also to other potential members, companies, and professionals working in the area, increasing the knowledge of intellectual property in each of the states and fostering discussions on initiatives to improve local business environments. This also applies to the Representation of Rio de Janeiro: although ABPI’s headquarters are in Rio, the state has local peculiarities and needs that do not mix with the entity needs as a national association.