Newsletter Edition 35 - April 2022


ABPI and the BPTO debate elite event in biotechnology

On March 17th, the BPTO released the BPTO/CPAPD Technical Note No. 01/2022, which provides the BPTO’s understanding of inventions involving transgenic plants, mainly elite events. Elite events are known as the transformation events – insertions into the genome of exogenous DNA providing traits of interest that perform best.

According to the BPTO, this technical note was issued aiming to harmonize procedures related to this matter. However, ABPI understands that some points of the note present restrictive understandings, which may lead to erroneous interpretations and eventually harm innovation.

Thus, in search of dialogue with the BPTO, ABPI requested a face-to-face meeting with the autarchy, which took place on April 13th. After a fruitful discussion and in yet another demonstration of its openness to dialogue with civil society, the BPTO informed that it accepted the request to suspend the momentary applicability of the Technical Note, formulated by the various entities that participated in the meeting, and opened a public consultation about the issue.