Newsletter Edition 21 - January 2021


ABPI and EMERJ sign Technical Cooperation Agreement

ABPI has signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with EMERJ — the Rio de Janeiro State Magistracy School — with the purpose of institutional integration between the participants of the two entities. The emphasis will be on legal research and jointly carrying out academic and cultural activities, such as forums, conferences, seminars, workshops, studies, competitions, lectures, and the development of extension/specialization courses in Law.

The agreement, which was signed by ABPI’s president Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta and the general director of EMERJ, Judge André Gustavo Corrêa de Andrade also had the participation of the counselor Renata Lisboa, Coordinator of CEDUC – ABPI.

EMERJ is oriented to the training of judges and the dissemination of legal knowledge and was created by Law No. 1.395 on December 8th, 1988, within the structure of the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Justice. The newly appointed magistrates participate in the Initial Training Course; then, of the Improvement courses for lifetime purposes and, afterward, of the official Improvement Courses for Career Promotion, always under the guidance of the National School of Training and Improvement of Magistrates – ENFAM.

For law graduates qualified through selection tests, EMERJ offers Specialization Courses in Public and Private Law and specific areas of Law. There are also extension courses that aim to promote professional improvement and Free Courses on various topics, held exclusively online, besides several meetings of the Permanent Forums on different areas of legal knowledge and humanistic themes, which are free and open to the general public.

The Agreement strengthens ABPI’s commitment to the dissemination of intellectual property issues.