Bylaws of institutional partners

Bylaws of Institutional Partners

  1. Any ABPI membership, whether is personal or for a legal entity, may acquire the status of Institutional Associate, with the conditions described in Item 2 below. It is necessary to (i) submit a petition in writing to the ABPI Board of Directors; (ii) This status is approved by ABPI Board of Directors, (iii) then the member signs the Agreement drafted by the ABPI Executive Committee. Lastly, (iv) the member needs to comply with other minimum requirements described in this Regulation.
  2. To acquire the status of Institutional Associate, the member must make a monetary commitment to the ABPI Executive Committee and the Board of Directors by giving an additional annual contribution, in addition to the regular annuity. These are the required minimum values:

2.1. Emerald Institutional Associate: value “to negotiate”;

2.2. Ruby Institutional Associate: monetary value equivalent to 110 (110) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.3. Sapphire Institutional Associate: monetary value equivalent of 90 (90) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.4. Water-Marine Institutional Associate: monetary value equivalent to 55 (55) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.5. Platinum Institutional Associate: monetary value equivalent to 35 (35) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.6. Gold Institutional Associate: monetary value equivalent to 25 (twenty-five) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.7. Silver Institutional Associate: value equivalent to 15 (fifteen) annuities already paid by the legal entity;

2.8. Bronze Institutional Associate: value equivalent to 10 (ten) annuities already paid by the legal entity;


The status of Institutional Associate will not be exclusive, there is no limit on the number of Institutional Associates that may be accepted by ABPI Board of Directors.

  1. The advantages offered to the Institutional Associates are:

4.1. The name (s) of the Institutional Associate (s) will be disclosed in a banner, to be displayed in all events organized by the ABPI, while remaining in this status.

4.2. Each institutional member shall be entitled to the following number of free registrations to all events organized by ABPI, with the exception of confraternizations. The guest names must be informed to ABPI´s secretary in advance.

4.2.1. Emerald Institutional Associate: 12 registrations;

4.2.2. Ruby Institutional Associate: 10 registrations;

4.2.3. Sapphire Institutional Associate: 8 registrations;

4.2.4. Water-Marine Institutional associate: 6 registrations;

4.2.5. Platinum Institutional Associate: 4 registrations;

4.2.6. Gold Institutional Associate: 3 registrations;

4.2.7. Silver Institutional Associate: 2 registrations;

4.2.8. Bronze Institutional Associate: 1 registration.

4.3. Institutional Associates may be offered exclusive sponsorship opportunities to the Annual ABPI Congress. The quotas will be drafted in a separate document by the Sponsorship Committee, which is composed by the Board of Directors’ members appointed by ABPI Chair and will be subjected to the approval of the Executive Committee.

4.4 The Institutional Associates will be entitled to the inclusion of a free advertisement subject to prior approval by the Editorial Board. The sizes of the ads are listed below in the ABPI Magazine section. Also, a free online ad will be offered, sizes to be defined, in the ABPI´s website. If and when the ABPI´s website is reformulated to allow the insertion of advertisements, the members will be subjected to the new regulations to be issued after the recast below:

4.4.1. Emerald Institutional Associate: Five full inside pages and at least one back cover per year;

4.4.2. Ruby Institutional Associate: Four full inside pages and at least one back cover per year;

4.4.3. Sapphire Institutional Associate: Three full inside pages and at least one back cover per year;

4.4.4. Water-Marine Institutional associate: Two full inside pages and at least one back cover per year;

4.4.5. Platinum Institutional Associate: A full inside page and at least one back cover per year;

4.4.6. Gold Institutional Associate: Inside, full page;

4.4.7. Silver Institutional Associate: Inside, half-page;

4.4.8. Bronze Institutional Associate: Inside, quarter-page.

4.5.  The Institutional Associates: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Aquamarine and Platinum will be reserved the right to appoint a speaker at the ABPI annual Congresses.

  1. ABPI is an independent and neutral entity. Therefore, the condition of Institutional Associate, will not, under any circumstances, confer the benefit of obtaining sponsorship through this entity for personal interests of any Member.


  1. The status of Institutional Associate is valid for one year. It is counted from its approval date obtained by ABPI Board of Directors plus the payment of the first monthly due. In case of renewal, the associate will be subjected to a new approval by the Board.

Regulation approved by ABPI Board of Directors on April 25, 2017.

Maria Carmen de Souza Brito
