4th CSD-ABPI Moot to Take Place in September
The 4th CSD-ABPI Moot, the simulated arbitration competition organized by the Dispute Resolution Center of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), is coming soon. Scheduled for September, this edition will include volunteer coaches who may participate regardless of affiliation with the registered teams’ institutions.
Registration will soon open for teams formed by educational institutions offering undergraduate or postgraduate Law programs, law firms duly registered with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), and academic or student organizations and associations.
Now in its fourth edition, the CSD-ABPI Moot has established itself as the first arbitration competition in Brazil exclusively dedicated to Intellectual Property. Inspired by renowned competitions in the field, the event, managed by the Arbitration Chamber of CSD-ABPI (CArb-ABPI), simulates an arbitration proceeding involving a fictional Intellectual Property dispute.
Flávia Tremura Polli Rodrigues and Cesar Rossi Machado, Director and Deputy Director of CArb-ABPI, will lead the coordination of the 4th CSD-ABPI Moot, alongside Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos, President of CSD-ABPI, Victor Lima, Camila Garrote, and Vinícius Pavan, Secretary-General of CSD-ABPI.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge in Arbitration and Intellectual Property!