Newsletter - Edition 62 - October 2024


Course – Domain Name Disputes: Mastering Conflict Resolution

The Domain Name Dispute Resolution Chamber (CASD-ND) of the ABPI Dispute Resolution Center presents the online course “Domain Name Disputes: Mastering Conflict Resolution,” scheduled for November 25 and December 2, 9, and 16, from 6 to 8 PM (BRT).

The course will address domain name dispute resolution procedures in accordance with SACI-Adm, the Administrative System for Internet Conflict Resolution concerning domain names under “.br,” and compare them to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.

Completing the course is also a statutory requirement for potential candidates seeking to join the CASD-ND Specialist Panel of the ABPI Dispute Resolution Center.
Wilson Jabur, Director, and Fernanda Varella Beser, Deputy Director of CASD-ND, organize the course.

Registrations can be made through the ABPI app at the following links: