Newsletter ABPI - Edition 59 - June 2024


ABPI advocates for domain name legislation in National Congress

On June 19th, Wilson Pinheiro Jabur, counselor at the Center for Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Arbitration in Intellectual Property (CSD-ABPI) and director of the Domain Name Chamber (CASD-ND) of ABPI, advocated for the enactment of legislation regulating internet domain names. This appeal was made during a solemn session in the National Congress celebrating the 35th anniversary of the “.br” domain extension.

Addressing an audience of parliamentarians, authorities, and other distinguished guests, Jabur, representing ABPI at the event, noted that “over these three and a half decades, the .br extension has become a fundamental part of our country’s online identity, connecting millions of Brazilians and organizations, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.”

Jabur emphasized that domain names “lack their legal discipline, similar to other rights such as trademarks and trade names.” He added, “There is indeed a need for regulation of domain names considering the complexities and challenges of the online environment, to contribute to the protection of users’ rights, promote trust in the online environment, and strengthen internet governance.”

The ABPI representative recalled that ABPI “is responsible for managing the largest Brazilian chamber for conflict resolution related to “.br” domain names, with hundreds of decisions issued since 2012, following the introduction of the Administrative System for Internet Conflicts related to domain names under “.br”, known as SACI-Adm, in 2010.”

Watch the complete ceremony and Wilson Jabur’s speech on the YouTube Channel of the Chamber of Deputies.