Newsletter Edition 49 - July 2023


CSD-ABPI to Establish Digital Law Chamber for Conflict Resolution

The Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Arbitration Center of ABPI (CSD-ABPI) is implementing the Digital Law Dispute Resolution Chamber given the expansion of ABPI’s social goals to include Personality Rights, Digital Law, E-Commerce, and Data Privacy Law. The director of the new Chamber is Rodrigo Azevedo, and the deputy director is Maria Cristina M. Cortez.

A pioneer in Brazil, the new Chamber aims to resolve conflicts online through four procedures: Digital Mediation; Determination by Expert(s); Accelerated Digital Arbitration; and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) System. The procedures of the new Chamber will address both technical and legal issues and are being designed to be simple, agile, and cost-efficient, allowing flexibility to meet the parties’ needs without rigid stages. This adaptability permits adjustments to future agreements or technological advancements.

The Digital Law Chamber will significantly interface with Intellectual Property rights, applying its online procedures to IP disputes.

With the creation of the Digital Chamber, the CSD ABPI underwent a reallocation of roles: Karin Klempp Franco is the new director of the Mediation Chamber, and Marcos Chucralla M. Blasi is the deputy director.