Newsletter ABPI – Special Edition Congress 2022 – Day 1


Everything in the cloud

Photo: Ricardo Matsukawa

In the first talk of the day, technology angel investor and former CEO of Google South Africa, Stafford Masie, predicted the changes that will come amid the metaverse and in the wake of Artificial Intelligence, such as cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens, and the expansion of cloud services. He pointed out that the design of the new will take place through combinatorial action and sharing, addressing the Uber app as a model. “AI is plural and not singular. Intelligence is a diversity of competences coming together to give you a particular result. The way to look at AI is to look at it as different kinds of intelligence,” he said. “Companies should no longer think about products, but about ecosystems”.

It will also change, and, according to Masie, it is already changing. The way we relate to things will take place in a more sensory and less material way. The new generation, he said, is already signaling these new times. “Today’s young people don’t care about cars, they care about transportation, and instead of buying a house, they want Airbnb,” he explained. The new concept, according to him, is not the internet of things but the internet within things. “Technology is making things disappear. Everything is going to the cloud.” For the angel investor, the challenge of the future is not to understand technology. “What we need is to understand ourselves, to understand sustainability, the collectivity”, he concluded.

If you have registered for the event, you can review the full panel at any time on the congress website.