Newsletter Edition 38 - July 2022


Final Round of the 2nd CSD Moot

The Gusmão & Labrunie team is the big winner of the 2nd CSD Moot! In the final round, held on July 31st, speakers Hariel Luiz Fernandes dos Santos and Gabriella Machado Assali represented the team.

The 2nd CSD-ABPI Moot also rewarded the best speaker of the competition. First place went to Pedro Mota of Team 2, who represented the Mansur Murad office. The second place went to Larissa Vitória Pimentel from Mackenzie. And third place was Rafael Bravo Caetano from the Kasznar Leonardos office.

The president of the CSD, Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos, closed the event by thanking all the participants of the second edition. “I would like to thank the registered teams. There was little variation between the scores of all, which illustrates the high level of the competition.”

He also thanked the 46 referees who contributed to this edition. “Evaluative referees are essential for the competition to work well and produce results.” The president took the opportunity to thank the event’s coordination team, the sponsors, and the president of ABPI, Gabriel Leonardos, for all their support.

Altogether, there were four days, 13 teams, 116 participants, 46 referees, nine coordination team members, eight volunteer hosts, and 29 panels, totaling 58 hours of competition.

Let the 3rd edition of the Moot begin!

You can watch the final round of the competition on ABPI’s YouTube Channel –