Newsletter Edition 24 - April 2021


BPTO Hack awarded solutions that make life easier for users

From April 5th to 12th, the BPTO Hack – the first hackathon (marathon of technological solutions) promoted by the BPTO (Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office), had 250 registered participants from 21 Brazilian states and awarded the best digital solutions to enhance the institute’s performance. ABPI was represented on the jury by its president, Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta.

The first place went to “BPTO in the Palm of Your Hand”, by the GEF team, an app for the payment of services through the Union Collection Guide (GRU) in a simpler way and directly integrated with payment methods. It also allows you to view the progress of the processes from the files of the Industrial Property Journal (RPI).

The Foxy team, which created the “GRUPI”, an app that organizes the flow of patent applications, was in second place. Besides enabling the submission of petitions in batches, the app allows integration with the IP offices environment. The third place went to “ePI”, a program that automatically formats patent applications. Drafted by the Academic League of Intellectual Property of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the solution also creates links to related information, which facilitates the exam.

The top ten teams won participation in the Pre-Acceleration Program, which will be led by professionals from Sebrae, SENAI/CIMATEC, and the BPTO, with virtual meetings for four weeks to help teams create their businesses based on the solution developed at the BPTO Hack.