Newsletter Edition 22 - February 2021


CSD-ABPI promotes arbitration competition in Intellectual Property

In order to train and raise awareness among lawyers and law students on the practice of arbitration in the field of Intellectual Property, ABPI’s Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Center (CSD-ABPI) will hold the 1st CSD-ABPI Moot on July 3rd and 4th. It is a simulated arbitration competition, along the lines of renowned national and international tournaments, such as the CAMARB Brazilian Arbitration Competition, Willem C. Vis Moot, and Oxford Intellectual Property Law Moot.

“Arbitration has become a very interesting alternative for the Judiciary to solve more complex disputes that require a quick conclusion. The parties can no longer wait for years until the judicial process is over. Therefore, it is important that the new generation of lawyers be trained to use arbitration as an option to the Judiciary”, says Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos, President of the Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Center of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (CSD- ABPI) and director of the CSD-ABPI Arbitration Chamber.

The first of its kind with an exclusive focus on IP arbitration, the CSD-ABPI Moot shall have a registration limit of eight teams and will only have oral argument rounds, dismissing the submission of written arguments. Law students and/or lawyers with up to three years of graduation representing any educational institution, law firm, or academic organization/association may join the competition. The case in dispute will be made available in due course on the Competition’s website

Members of the winning team will be granted one year free of charge as ABPI members, including access to all events promoted by the association, except its annual Congress and paid courses. The best speaker, whether participating or not on the winning team, will be granted one year of free membership as an ABPI member, with free access to all events (except paid courses), in this case including their registration at ABPI’s 2021 Congress on International Intellectual Property.

The competition rules and schedule can be accessed at the official event page.