Newsletter Edition 19 - November 2020


IP Meetings debate Green Patent

“Green technology is a great opportunity, technically feasible and economically beneficial”, said Peter Osken, a senior program officer from the Division of Climate Change and Food Security and Global Challenges at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). His presentation was held on October 27th, at the international webinar “WIPO Green Acceleration Project: Fostering Transfer of Green Technologies in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile”, alongside Júlia Hoppstock, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina; Fernando Cassibi, from the International Relations Coordination of the BPTO (Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office); and Denisse Perez Fierro, from the Department of International Relations at INAPI – National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile, in a virtual table integrated composed by Isabella Pimentel, counselor of WIPO, and Rodrigo Ouro Preto, general counsel of ABPI.

The debate is part of the IP Meetings series, promoted by ABPI and WIPO, and in this edition counted with the partnership of the PTOs of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. The WIPO representative explained that WIPO Green – an online platform for technology exchange, connecting suppliers and those interested in obtaining them – supports global efforts to find solutions to climate change, food security, and other socio-environmental issues.

Júlia Hoppstock highlighted Argentina’s interest in sustainable agriculture projects, especially those aimed at crop rotation, soil recarbonization, direct harvesting, carbon kidnapping, and water use efficiency. The representative from Argentina enumerated ten technological needs listed in WIPO Green related to satellites, agroforestry, and biotechnology, among others. She also cataloged 27 technological offers concerning the development of seeds, forests, agricultural machinery, vitiviniculture, biotechnologies, satellite tracking, and water efficiency system.

Cassibi, in turn, said that the BPTO carried out a pilot project for green patents in 2012, including them, in 2016, in the priority procedure, which, according to him, reduces the granting of this type of patent to less than two years. But a specific program, Patentes Verdes 4.0 (Green Patents 4.0), also accelerated the exams for the so-called clean technologies, such as those related to alternative energies, transport, energy conservation, waste management, and sustainable agriculture.

Denisse Fierro highlighted the agricultural sector, with an emphasis on vitiviniculture, as one of the priorities of the Chilean policy to foster innovation. In the agricultural sector, the Chilean representative pointed out that 11 needs and 22 technological offers related to cultivation, alternatives to pesticides, a temporary alert system (SAT), soil improvement, and solar energy, among others, were identified.

Complete webinar on ABPI’s YouTube channel