Newsletter Edition 18 - September 2020


Representations event with editions in Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul

Intending to bring the debate on intellectual property to different forums across Brazil, ABPI launched the virtual series “Representations Events” in September, headed by sectional representatives of the association, which are now present in eight Brazilian states. In September, Maria Inez Araújo de Abreu, the sectional representative of Paraná, organized the webinar “The Paraná Innovation System”, while Roner Fabris, the sectional representative of Rio Grande do Sul, promoted a debate under the theme “Regional Corporate Courts – Structures, Jurisdictions and Future Development”.

The webinar on the “Paraná Innovation System” brought together the Superintendent of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the State of Paraná, Aldo Nelson Bona, and the executive secretary of the State System of Technological Parks (Separtec), José Maurino de Oliveira Martins. The debate was moderated by Cláudia Crisostimo, a member of the IP Commission of the OAB of Paraná, Director of Intellectual Property at the Technological Innovation Agency of UNICENTRO, and Coordinator of the Legal Frame Chamber at SEPARTEC. The opening table was integrated by Maria Inez Araújo de Abreu and ABPI’s director and natural member of the Board Juliana Viegas.

Bona emphasized that Paraná is the second state in the Federation that invests the most S&T and that according to a research carried out by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the second state that most invests in Innovation. Martins explained how the state planned the creation of its Technology Parks complex, which aims to bring universities, research centers, and companies together, and stimulate the development of research in the productive sector.

2nd Representations Event – In the event “Regional Corporate Courts – Structures, Jurisdictions and Future Development” was moderated by Roner Fabris, and had the participation of the judge and the 3rd vice-president of the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice, Ney Wiedemann Neto, the judge of the Regional Corporate Court of Novo Hamburgo, Alexandre Kosby Boeira, and the federal judge of the 2nd Region, Márcia Nunes de Barros as debaters.

During the debate, the magistrates agreed that the Judiciary’s specialization is essential for the improvement of decisions involving Intellectual Property issues. Judge Márcia Nunes de Barros explained that Rio de Janeiro already has four federal courts specialized in intellectual property, with an average of 300 cases per year, but argued that the specialization should also extend to the higher courts.

You can watch both events on ABPI’s Channel on YouTube.

To see the Paraná webinar, access here.

To watch the Rio Grande do Sul webinar, access here.