Newsletter Edition 11 - February 2020


The theme of the WIPO / ABPI / BPTO summer course stands out for its up-to-dateness

In December 2019 ABPI renewed with WIPO an agreement to offer summer courses in Intellectual Property

Video games, green patents, technology licensing, social media, artificial intelligence, and algorithms, in addition to traditional IP themes, were the differential of the fourth edition of the WIPO Summer Course (World Intellectual Property Organization) “IP Management for Technology-Based Companies”, co-organized by ABPI via the BPTO (Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office). Over two weeks, 36 lectures were given at ABPI’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, with videoconference to ABPI’s branch in São Paulo. The next edition of the WIPO course will take place in the second week of July, in Curitiba.

In the program, students received guidance on the application of Intellectual Property in shared systems, open innovation, and the use of algorithms in business decision making. Other topics, such as the Madrid Protocol, the international trademark registration system to which Brazil recently joined, deserved further study. “A great merit of the course was to direct IP issues to the present time”, says BPTO analyst Luzia Bottino. “I have been working with intellectual property for 13 years and yet I received new and relevant information on the subject”.

Renewed agreement
The course “IP Management for Technology-Based Companies” is part of an ongoing program developed by the WIPO Academy for training in various IP topics for young professionals and students. In December 2019 ABPI renewed an agreement with WIPO to offer summer courses in Intellectual Property.

Valid for the next two years, the agreement was signed by ABPI’s president Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta, and the executive director of the WIPO Academy, Sherif Saadallah, in a ceremony attended by, among others, Claudio Furtado, president of the BPTO, José Graça Aranha, regional director of the WIPO Office in Brazil, as well as representatives of Intellectual Property offices in Latin America. “The course is part of the cooperation between WIPO and ABPI, aiming to promote awareness of the use of IP assets”, said Graça Aranha.