Newsletter - May 2019


ABPI holds congress connected to world economies

The main theme of ABPI’s XXXIX International Congress on Intellectual Property, “Intellectual Property in the New Global Geopolitical Scenario”, which will take place from August 25 to 27, 2019, is a sign that there is no path to development outside Brazil’s integration into world economies. Much of this connection will be addressed by the economist Ricardo Amorim, on the first day of the event, in his opening speech “Intellectual Property in Brazil’s foreign policy and economy”. According to the president of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta, the congress will be aligned with the world Intellectual Property standards and several plenaries and panels will approach the theme from this perspective.

The accession of Brazil to the Madrid Protocol is one of these global issues that should generate great debate in the congress. Approved last April 4 by the Chamber of Deputies, the “Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks”, stipulates that the examination of an application must be carried out up to 18 months from the request of the trademark. The text now goes to the Federal Senate.

 Patent Protection – The “Intellectual Property Litigation Abroad – Tips for Successful Strategies” will be addressed in Panel 10 of the congress. It concerns, in particular, companies interested in protecting their patents outside Brazil and the mishaps of this initiative. “From the test tube to the shelf: the pharmaceutical industry saga”, in turn, is the Panel 2 debate that will show the drug’s path from conception to marketing and the billions of dollars involved throughout the product cycle.

Artificial Intelligence – “Artificial Intelligence (AI): The New Gold Rush”, will be debated in plenary on the first day of the event. It shall address several implications in the field of Intellectual Property, such as the algorithms processed by machine learning and deep learning, among others. Since 2013, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has registered more than 170,000 requests linked to Artificial Intelligence.

 Several plenaries and panels will discuss themes inherent to Intellectual Property and always connected to the global world. “The BPTO, today and tomorrow: governance plan for the next four years”; “Cannabis: the challenges of a new market”; “Newbie or Noob – the epic world of the gaming industry” are topics on the program.